Monday, October 31, 2011


Here are recent pics of our little man.  He is growing up so fast!  He keeps us laughing all day long with everything he does.  He has quite the personality!  His favorite things to play with are balls and he has quite the arm.  He is trying to talk and communicate a lot more and becomes quite upset if you aren't "understanding" what he is trying to tell you:)  He has mastered the word "daddy" that's for sure...and my favorite thing he does is when you ask him "where's your belly?" and he points to it!  If you continue asking him, "where's your head etc.?" he will continue pointing to his tummy- it is so cute because he is so proud of himself!  We love you Lukey!

My belly: 10 weeks

10 weeks and already poppin'!  Can't believe how early I have started showing with the second compared to the first. I have a feeling I am gonna be bigger this time around:)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Little Peanut:)

Baby #2 is looking good!  Heard/saw the heartbeat today at the doctor and he/she was even moving exciting, what a little miracle it is to actually see it on the screen.  I am amazed at how much this little peanut has grown since last time.  Amazing.  Due date is still May 27th.