Wednesday, February 15, 2012

18 AMAZING months:)

Luke is seriously 18 months old!?  Wow.  Can not believe how quickly the time has gone by.  Our little man is simply amazing.  His personality is SO fun (& challenging) :)  He definitely has my stubborness and Joe's extreme hard work ethic.  When he puts his mind to something he is determined to get the job/task completed!  He probably says "ball" a thousand times a day, because well, that's all he's really interested in.  He just loves throwing a ball, as well as, kicking, batting, bouncing....the list goes on and on....but hey, he's a athlete in the making, what more could we ask for?!  He cracks us up all of the time.  He has a very funny sense of humor and loves to laugh with people and at silly things:)  He is rather mishceivious when we're not looking and will climb up onto any desk, chair, or table so we constantly have to be on the look out--I really don't enjoy catching him with his hands in the toilet playing in the water, why he finds such joy in it, I'm not sure....but one thing we do know, is that we LOVE our Luke Robert and the past 18 months have been the best months of our lives.

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